Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

October’s Etc

Hello all!
It has been a very very busy two months for me, having just moved into my first home and working my way through a number of big life changes. Tim has been busy kickstarting some of his various personal projects, including (Video TV Show), and (Youtube + Radio Movie ‘Reviews’).

A lot of conversation is happening revolving our next 3 projects, NIGHTBEAR, STADIUM BUILDER, and a 3rd yet-to-be-announced game. And with CAVEMAN CRAIG 2 still gaining ground in the Steam Greenlight Scene (we’re now up to 26% towards being in the top 100… PLEASE support us!!), we are looking at future development of the CAVEMAN CRAIG franchise to support CC2 in Greenlight.

I hope to upload a new devlog video for Stadium Builder soon. Please stay tuned!


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