Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

May’s Etc

IUP Bundle

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the IUP bundle! We didn’t get anywhere near our target, but I still considered it a success! The money we earned will be going straight into continued development of Caveman Craig 2 DLC and porting the game to other platforms. I imagine this will include licensing Game Maker: Studio, Apple developer, and so on. We really hope that the impact of your contributions reach fruition soon.

Caveman Craig 2

We are in talks with other distribution/processor platforms (like Desura and BMT Micro) to have Caveman Craig 2 and SE published in other places soon.

We are also dipping our feet in a number of potential DLC opportunities for Caveman Craig 2, but have not come to a decision as to which is most important, just yet.

Other News

If you still haven’t experienced the special edition of the original Caveman Craig, we have just released it on Indievania, with a 50% introductory discount! Even if you have bought the game, consider giving the game an honest vote and comment if you have an account with Indievania!


Since returning home after a fantastic trip to Norway, I have been very busy getting some necessary work out of the way.. it’s short term pain, long term gain – I am freeing up more of my time to become more committed to our upcoming projects. I’m sure you can tell I’m in a rush by the briefness of this blog entry!

Nightbear is still in conceptual stages. It is a very “tight” game, every detail really needs to be sorted out before it gets put together. But check out Tim’s conceptual drawing of our teddy hero! Let us know what you think of him :)

One Response

  1. Amos

    Nice bear =D Tim definately has a nice and distinctive art style.

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