Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

Caveman Craig now available on Mac OS X!

Hi all,
I’m proud to announce I’ve a public BETA available for Caveman Craig for Mac.

This is the classic version, not the special edition, and therefore free to download HERE.

Please let me know how you go performance-wise and if you find any glitches. I’ve a high-end MacBook Pro so it can be difficult to get a good idea of how well it performs.

CC: SE for Mac is a larger obstacle to tackle but I am working on it in my spare time alongside my other projects.

Rhys Andrews

2 Responses

  1. Focus

    Please Focus on cavemen craig 2 please..

  2. Rhys Andrews

    There are Mac users out there who don’t have anything yet.
    I know where my priorities are at and I know where my focus is and should be. Please be patient.

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