Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

Nightbear – Our Next Game

Three weeks ago, we announced the first of three new projects that Parabox Games will be working on this year – titled “Nightbear”. We weren’t able to give you too much information right off the bat, and even now there is a lot to discuss about the game before we can start physical development. But I’m very excited to see where this idea is going.

“Nightbear” is set in a childs bedroom, in an alternate/abstract reality where bed monsters roam at night. You play the child’s favourite teddy bear, a warrior sworn to defend the child with his life (and cute toy sword).

The game is a fighting platformer with a strong puzzle and strategy element. As Tim mentioned in our blog video, it’s going to be a little bit creepy, and a little bit cute.

A potential foe for our Teddy hero - This image does not represent the final quality of the game

We will of course keep you updated on this project via the blog. We can’t wait to announce our next 2 projects too, but there’s still a lot to sort out before we can do that.

If you haven’t yet, subscribe to our blog using the link on the right hand side. You can also subscribe to the blog as an RSS feed, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook to get updated on Nightbear, Caveman Craig 2, and everything else Parabox!


New Game Announcement!

Check out our first video blog entry to hear from Tim about the new game that he and I are working on, “Nightbear”!
We have three projects up our sleeve that we hope to announce in the coming weeks and months. This is the first of the three!

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