It is with great excitement that we announce this pre-order deal for Caveman Craig 2: The Tribes of Boggdrop! The long-awaited and highly anticipated sequel to the award winning indie hit will be available sometime between now and 2012 (so you get a chance to play before the world ends).
After over 2 years, Craig is back, and ready to conquer the 4 tribes of boggdrop! Caveman Craig 2 provides a whole new twist while remaining faithful to all the things we know and love from the original!
- Over 12 dinosaurs, including the classics and a grakload of new frightening threats!
- Featuring a whole new gameplay experience in which you must take over 4 increasingly difficult tribes with unique Craig equals!
- Smarter cavemen can sleep, eat, improve their skills (eventually unlocking a special ‘veteran bonus’), and prioritise their tasks.
- Over 3 extra gametypes including ‘Classic/Survival’, where you must build your tribe as large as possible while facing harder and more frequent threats – just like the original Caveman Craig!
Pre-order Caveman Craig 2 for just $9.99 US, and get all these additional benefits because you’re all so awesome:
- You will receive Caveman Craig 2 a week before everyone else
- You also get a FREE copy of Caveman Craig: SE to keep you entertained while you wait!
- Finally, we’ll chuck in an exclusive content pack including a CC2 wallpaper and some BETA screenshots.
In preparation for the CC2 launch, the Caveman Craig website has been completely redesigned. Go there NOW to pre-order the game and check out our other Caveman Craig games if you haven’t already!
The private BETA is being distributed to a few friends and family members for testing over this weekend. The focus for this round of testing is on enjoyability, replay value, the game mechanic, and learning curve – of course, bug and glitches will be found too along the way and we’ll be working on those.
Once this is done, we will be completing the frontend/HUD stuff, creating each level in the conquest gametype, and then putting together all the other gametypes.
Thankyou all so much for your support!
Rhys & Tim
A change of pace
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