Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

Caveman Craig 1 Special Edition

Hi, everybody.
Tim and I are happy to announce that we are developing a special edition of the original Caveman Craig, as a side project for our anticipated sequel. The special edition will include:

  • New bonuses
  • A gigantic map
  • New dinosaurs
  • Rewritten engine for faster performance and more intelligent cavemen
  • More tactical control of your cavemen
  • Many more features, some yet to be decided!

Tim and I will be taking many of your suggestions into consideration, especially those which we would’ve liked to implement but couldn’t because of time or engine restrictions, which are now removed. Caveman Craig SE will be perfect for anyone who spent hours playing Caveman Craig and supporting us so loyally. The game will be available in a month or so, for less then ten dollars. It will likely be released with the launch of our new Caveman Craig website.

Thanks for your support
Rhys Andrews

Caveman Craig 1.5 – Second BETA

Hey guys!
Thanks very much for your feedback on the first beta release of version 1.5. Most of you thought the game was already too difficult and we’ve put that into consideration – we understand that the difficulty angle is probably the part that needs the most work, not the actual difficulty overall.

You can download the second BETA of 1.5 below. The difficulty is significantly easier than the first BETA, and both easier and harder than version 1.4, depending on what aspect you look at. I have done a few bug fixes, most of them very small. I would appreciate your feedback on this, telling me what you thought of the difficulty angle – were you able to complete the game / receive the mini-game bonus? Without cheats, obviously.

Download Version 1.5 BETA 2 Here:

Rhys Andrews

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