Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

February’s Etc

Craig will make his return very, very soon..

Hello all!
This past week has been cripplingly busy.. having started back at my job after a decent break, and coping with a silly hand infection that with the bandages and dressing rendered me unable to type without riddling my work with spelling mistakes. I am now wearing some funky cotton gloves as things are starting to heal up, and thankfully I am finally able to type again!

But in more exciting news, I am within days of completing the “release candidate” for Caveman Craig 2. This means that the game is actually FINISHED – subject to difficulty, bug fixes, polish/detailing, and any last minute additions.

On Saturday we have scheduled a ‘pre-launch caveman craig lan’ for a handful of local BETA testers. During the event I will be fixing, tweaking, and polishing while others play through the release candidate and write down anything of note. The goal is that by the end of the day, we will have a complete build, ready to go – though this is best case scenario, and we may need to give it a few more days to finish off the list and sign off on the game.

SO, if you are umm-ing and arr-ing about pre-ordering CC2, now is the time! Our pre-order offer (which includes Caveman Craig: Special Edition and the CC2 demo) will end a week before CC2 is released.

Meanwhile, Tim and I are discussing our many project ideas for 2012. Some games are small, others large. Some aimed at a mobile device audience, others online/LAN, and others similar to that of Caveman Craig. Once CC2 is released, we hope to be able to prepare an announcement for our next project and direction as a game design team.

Thanks for your support,

Back in Action

It’s been almost exactly one month since my last entry.. sorry about that! Christmas and what, o’ course.

It has indeed been a busy month for many reasons, but fortunately for you all, CC2 is one of them. The finish line is getting closer and closer, I promise you we’re not running in circles =) In fact we’ve made some significant leaps over the past weeks.

Ricky Garcia has finished the final masters for the CC2 soundtrack. And it is simply fantastic! We never thought we’d get such an exclusively professional & fitting bunch of tracks. Hopefully within days we’ll have something to show you featuring some of the music that Ricky has composed.

Tim has completed all of the caveman animations and a majority of all the artwork in the game.

Having recently spent a week chilling in a big ocean liner, I’m now getting myself back into the pace of things. I’ve made a start on most of the bonus minigames, and one or two of them are almost done & dusted. The Meteor Dodge game in particular is looking pretty awesome and it plays even better.

There are only a few more Sound FX to complete, and we only have a handful more rewards to put together. I recently recreated the pet dino (which featured in CC: SE) reward/bonus. Pet dino’s latch onto dinosaur threats and slowly drain their health. If you manage to get a male and female pet dino and they fully grow, they start having baby dinosaurs that also grow up and fight for you. A fun and handy investment.

Unfortunately, at this point CC2 won’t be released before the beginning of next year. However we plan to release a demo of the game before new years. Whether this will be for all to taste or just for those who have pre ordered the game is yet to be decided.

Thank you all for your ongoing support! Not long now!

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