Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

Pre-Launch Event

Yesterday was our “Caveman Craig 2″ Pre-Launch LAN! It was a large success, and a very productive day.

Tim and I invited some friends/BETA testers and played through the release candidate of Caveman Craig 2 with them, from 3pm till around 10:30pm.

BETA Testers were bribed with rather delicious Pizza

It was thoroughly interesting watching everyone’s playing style and seeing how certain strategies were not accounted for in the AI.

Ultimately everybody seemed to have plenty of fun and I now have a gigantic list of things to tweak, fix, and add. Bigger than hoped, but not surprisingly so.

Tim and some BETA testers pose while itching to get back to their game.

Some odd things we encountered during the day included flying carcasses, walls sitting in the sky, and cavemen rapidly smashing their heads in the ground.

This leaves us with a final shopping list for CC2 before it is ready for release! I’ll be working very hard to get this done as soon as possible.

Some of the larger things to test is the difficulty curve of the game and ensuring it is challenging, but not impossible, and tailors to most modes of play. Yesterday showed that CC2’s play length is approximately 4 hours with plenty of replay value in all of the bonus gametypes!

My job wasn't to play the game, but keep tabs on how everyone was going and updating the build throughout the day

It wouldn’t be a LAN without some actual network-gaming, so we finished the night off with some classic Call of Duty (United Offensive). I find this game far more thrilling than its successors.

On an unrelated note, as everyone left we came across this gigantic moth.

2 Responses

  1. Amos

    Looks like it was great fun! I was housebound because of snow yesterday…and still am -_- I can’t wait to play the full version! Nice moth btw =d

  2. Danu

    Sounds awesome;D

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