Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

Special Edition for just US $2.50!

For the next 24 hours, you can buy the special edition of Caveman Craig for just US $2.49, instead of the usual $4.99 via Game Du!

So get your copy quickly, there are only hours left!

Rhys Andrews

Caveman Craig: Special Edition NOW AVAILABLE!

Tim and I are proud to announce that Caveman Craig: SE is now available for only us$4.99, processed securely by BMT Micro.

CC: SE contains new dinosaurs, bonuses, and many many more features and improvements from the original Caveman Craig, including a completely reoptimised engine and the new ‘dilophosaurus’!

Our deepest apologies for the delayed release. We hated to have conformed to what a lot of commercial companies do, however we had to sort out a few possibilities with YoYo Games which have now been resolved. As the least we could do, we have reduced the price from $5.99 to $4.99. We sincerely hope you enjoy the game!

Rhys and Tim Andrews

Almost There!

Sorry for the wait, guys!
We’re just as anticipating Caveman Craig SE’s release as you might be. Truly, it’s in its final form, Tim just has to get some final bits and bobs done, like remastering some of the sound effects and making a few more graphics. Then we’ll package it all up, send it to some lucky peeps who get to test it for us, make a few adjustments, and then it’s all yours! Any more delays will be due to testing and cleaning out bugs – because once you buy a copy of the game, we haven’t got any way of giving you any fixes without you buying the game again. Though… now that I think about it, I might be able to incorporate some sort of update tool. I’ll sort it out!

The Caveman Craig website is just about done, with a few pages ‘ere and there to go. Check it out here: We’ll be getting the domain soon too.

Rhys Andrews

Special Edition Update

Hi everybody!
I know we haven’t been blogging lately, this is partly the fault of our commitment to getting the special edition of Caveman Craig completed as soon as possible. However I think now’s a good time to tell you a bit more about the specifics of this special edition that is perfect for anybody who spent a good slice of their time playing the original.

Caveman Craig SE will be based on the original but with lots of added features. That is, many more bonuses, new dinosaurs, another minigame, a larger map (about twice the size!) and lots of optimisation and engine revision to ensure that the game runs fast and more consistently. The special edition will have full-quality sound, a revised and audible tutorial, and LOTS more goodies.

“So if the special edition is going to have all these extra goodies, what’s left for Caveman Craig 2?” – Caveman Craig 2 will be much different to the original and the special edition, with a focus on caveman-tribe warfare – defending your cave against dinosaurs is just one half of the game play! With plenty more dinosaurs, much more control over cavemen, and lots of mini games, Caveman Craig 2 is quite different to the special / enhanced version of Caveman Craig 1, which will be available in a month or so.

Rhys Andrews

Caveman Craig 1 Special Edition

Hi, everybody.
Tim and I are happy to announce that we are developing a special edition of the original Caveman Craig, as a side project for our anticipated sequel. The special edition will include:

  • New bonuses
  • A gigantic map
  • New dinosaurs
  • Rewritten engine for faster performance and more intelligent cavemen
  • More tactical control of your cavemen
  • Many more features, some yet to be decided!

Tim and I will be taking many of your suggestions into consideration, especially those which we would’ve liked to implement but couldn’t because of time or engine restrictions, which are now removed. Caveman Craig SE will be perfect for anyone who spent hours playing Caveman Craig and supporting us so loyally. The game will be available in a month or so, for less then ten dollars. It will likely be released with the launch of our new Caveman Craig website.

Thanks for your support
Rhys Andrews

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