Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

Caveman Craig – 5th Anniversary Celebrations!

Hello everyone!
On 20th April, 2008, we released Caveman Craig to YoYo Games as an entry into their “ancient civilisations” game design competition. Today marks the 5th anniversary, and Tim and I wanted to celebrate with a few exciting announcements!

Caveman Craig Special Edition is now FREE!

The special edition of Caveman Craig 1 is now FREE to download from this website.


Caveman Craig 2 is now just $6.99!

We are reducing the prize of Caveman Craig 2 to $6.99, if you buy from Desura or That’s 30% off!


Release Date & feature list for Caveman Craig 2: The Battle at Dudu Forest, announced!

We will be releasing the FREE “Battle at DuDu Forest” DLC for Caveman Craig 2 on the 12th of May, 2013. The DLC is a brand new conquest level set in a dense and lively forest, featuring..

- Beautiful new animated scene
- A new dinosaur with a unique challenge to unlock secrets!
- A new enemy caveman that you can defeat and unlock for play in classic mode
- Mushrooms?
- And more! But we don’t want to spoil it for you..

The DLC will also provide some tweaks and updates to the main game, including..
- Shake off dinosaurs by pressing A and D in rhythm instead of mashing spacebar
- Throw rocks/spears using the W key for easier throwing
- Sort the caveman overview list by birth date, caveman type, following status, skill level, health, or energy, for easier caveman management.
- And more!

And finally.. a ‘behind the scenes’ pack for the die hard fans!

Looking back on the past 5 years, it’s been interesting to see how our ideas developed. So I put together a bunch of old concept art, sketches, and even documents with notes on the development of Caveman Craig 2 (and some for Caveman Craig 1!), free for you to explore.


Home Announcement Caveman Craig – 5th Anniversary Celebrations!