Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

“Speck” – TBC August 31st

Hey all,
To keep my game design fresh and exciting I like to work on a side project every so often. With the help from a friend of mine I developed a concept for a game which I’m hoping will be ready for the “Discovery” YYG competition which has a deadline of August 31st. The game is called “Speck”.

I’d like to keep information about the concept blurry both during and after the development of the game but the goal of the game is to “discover as much about Earth as you can before you burn out”, and is a solo project; I’ll be doing the music, graphics, and of course the programming.

Screenshots will appear on this blog entry later this afternoon, once I get home =)

Rhys Andrews

2 Responses

  1. Moraboy

    give screens :D

  2. Whoops, I forgot. Coming soon.

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