Creators of Caveman Craig, Teka Teki, and more.. 

The concept archives..

Hey guys,
Weeks ago, after a big burst of development made on CC2, I’d have typed up a blog entry with some sneak peeks at what we’d done and what you could expect in the final game.

However, we’re now in the late stages, and showing you too much will spoil the fun of experiencing it all when you first play. So for today I thought I’d go through the gigs and gigs of data used in putting together CC2 and find some concept art to have a look at how far CC2 has come. Click on the images to see a bigger size.

The original running animation for Craig, made during the early stages (mid 2009) of planning Caveman craig 2.

An even ear lier drawing. You may have seen this in one of our first blog entries. This is the original design/idea for a mini-hud, which you can see in CC2.

Greg's animation strip for an othnielia rotating on a spit. We actually used this animation, though shrunk down heavily.

Greg's title screen concept sketch

Concept for a larger cave

Tim's sketch for a main menu screen overlooking the land of boggdrop (or at the time, known simply as 'bogg')

A *very* early development screenshot

AAAND, just for some contrast.. here is a fairly new screenshot. This is running on the very same engine that was being built in the screenshot above.

The result of over three years on and off work :)

November’s Etc

Hello hello!
Life continues to be busy for Tim and I and rest assured we are still working hard to have Caveman Craig 2 ready by the end of the year. I’ll make a forewarning that we may spill into 2012 as I do not want to rush to meet a release date at the expense of polish.

The focus on these past couple of weeks have been on implementing all the XP rewards and further work on classic mode. Tim will be finishing off all the enemy leader animations soon but until now has been working on putting together some great XP rewards. Tutorial guy reprises his rock stomp contraption, as you can see here…

Here are some highlights in the changelist so far for the latest build of Caveman Craig 2 (I’ve hidden some things.. you need SOME surprises when the game is out!)

  • Added ‘teacher’ reward/bonus
  • Added ‘rock stomp’ reward/bonus
  • Added the ‘ransom’ feature, allowing the player to spend caveman credits to revive Craig if he dies in enemy territory (and the enemy leader can do the same)
  • The enemy leader is now smarter when choosing whether to attack Craig or not

There has been some discussion around the mini / bonus games in Caveman Craig 2. Raptor’s Revenge and Meteor Dodge will make a return, and they will be designed to be a lot more fun and challenging. We have some more to add too. These mini games won’t just be unlocked to be played at your leisure – they are incorporated into the progression/story of the game and provide the opportunity to unlock new rewards or features which will help you in the succeeding levels.

Thankyou all so much for your pre-orders – the response has been a testimony to your continued and loyal support, and we truly appreciate it. If you are yet to pre-order Caveman Craig 2, whattaya waiting for?

Take care,

Home 2011 November